Erin, Tyler and Chris are back again for the LRRS update! Tall Ships Recap, Student of the week and MORE!
For the 4th year in a row, the Los Rios Rock School has partnered with the Ocean Institute in Dana Point, California, to provide the…
A cultural event bringing maritime history to life with cannon battles, concerts, food, and entertainment!
Tall Ships, Song Summit, Red Alerts and more!
Chris and Tyler have fun on TOOL day!!!
Grammy Winner Phil Allen and Composer/Musician Justin Norman guest on the LRRS podcast Update. All songwriters must listen!
The Los Rios Podcast Update is back! Tall Ships announcements and more…
Song Summit Write and Perform Original SongsTuesday, September 10th 7:30-9:00 (12 week course, repeated weekly) 249/currently enrolled$299/not enrolled Song Summit offers LRRS students the opportunity…
Erin and Tyler update you all on the Tall Ships Festival, Master Class with Frank Gambale and More!
Episode 29 of the Los Rios Rock School Update! Tune in!