Yesterday, we sent out communications outlining the preventative measures that we as a school have taken to ensure the health and safety of your students on our campuses. We also stated that as of yesterday the shows were still scheduled. Sadly, in order to adhere to the preventative measures advised we must announce that our shows on Friday, March 13th and Sunday, March 15th have been postponed. This morning we learned that the California Department of Public Health has advised that gatherings of 250 people or more be postponed or canceled for the entire month of March. Your students’ safety is of utmost importance to us. Given the circumstances, we believe it is best to push these shows to a future date. Additionally, all group rehearsals that were scheduled for this Saturday will be canceled.
Coronavirus update: State says large gatherings should be postponed or canceled through March.
Please know that we are diligently working behind the scenes to make sure these songs get played. We know all the hard work that your student has put into learning these songs. We have been in communication with Ron Garrett from www.alerttheglobe.com and have an exciting opportunity to live stream and record all of the songs at Los Rios Rock School’s own stage and fans will watch from home in HD! This is the same wonderful company that live-streamed Gregg Bissonette’s drum master class a few months back. Please stand by for more information on when the concert stream will happen.
Until further notice, the BIG MEETING where we pick all of our songs will be in a more remote, virtual style via TeacherZone. Stay tuned for more information.
Weekly Lessons: As some of you may know, each student has the ability to video message their teacher through TeacherZone when they are both online. This is a safe and secure way for them to communicate if they are unable to make it to their lessons. Starting today we are giving students the option to take video-based lessons from home instead of in-person lessons. This decision is completely up to you and your family, our teachers will be at the school regardless. Later today we will be emailing you a video walkthrough tutorial on how to set up virtual lessons with your teacher if you choose. The walkthrough will explain exactly how to do it. Remember, we can also update and add new practice content to your student’s TeacherZone account so they still have material at home to work on while we are working through this.
Thank you for having confidence in us to not only provide the best musical experience for your kids but also thank you for working with us to help keep them safe as well. If you have any further questions please email schedule@losriosrockschool.com.
Thank you for your support,
Your Los Rios Rock School Team